Keeping pace with the changes, New York State has made some crucial amendments to the income caps for both child and spousal support calculations. The new changes are set to be...

Keeping pace with the changes, New York State has made some crucial amendments to the income caps for both child and spousal support calculations. The new changes are set to be...
Child custody disputes are often the most difficult conflicts to resolve in divorce. Both parents are trying to act in the best interests of their child yet, oftentimes, they...
In some divorces, one parent may try to unreasonably interfere with the relationship between the other parent and their children. Parents who act in this way can face serious...
Child custody disputes are often highly emotional which is a significant reason why they can take years to resolve. While the trend is for parents to jointly share custody, even...
When parents fight over custody, it’s not unusual for one or both sides to declare they want full custody. However, being granted full custody is relatively rare. Generally, New...
As a good parent, you want to do what’s best for your child, which includes cooperating with your ex-spouse on co-parenting. You’ve read advice and tips on co-parenting after...