When parents with minor children get divorced, the relationship between spouses doesn’t end; it just changes. They now have to learn how to co-parent effectively. This can be...
Child Custody
Addiction and Marriage
Addiction and marriage can be a devastating combination. Even when it doesn’t result in divorce, both spouses and children may be seriously damaged by the experience. It’s not...
How to Handle Dueling Claims of Bad Parenting
Have you and your spouse accused each other of substance abuse, domestic violence or neglect in your child custody dispute? Often, parents think that lodging these types of...
Can You Participate in a Custody Hearing If You Failed to Attend Prior Hearings?
Typically, when parties to a custody matter do not show up for a scheduled hearing, they cannot simply appear at a subsequent hearing. Failing to attend a hearing is considered a...
What Is the Role of a Forensic Investigation in Divorce?
When parents cannot agree on child custody and/or a parenting time schedule, judges are forced to intervene. One of the final efforts to get parents to settle their dispute is...
Is Your Parenting Coordinator Doing a Good Job in Resolving Post-Divorce Disputes?
If you and your former spouse are fighting over some aspect of your child custody agreement or parenting time schedule, a parenting coordinator can help resolve the dispute...