When you get a divorce, all marital property is subject to equitable distribution. The court looks at various statutory factors to determine a fair way to divide both of your...
When Should You File an Application to Obtain Temporary Support in Your Divorce?
While a divorce is pending, the spouse who earns less may be entitled to temporary spousal support. The support is considered temporary because it only applies until the support...
How Do You Divide a Pension in Divorce?
Pensions are subject to equitable distribution in divorce. That means the money will be split between the parties as provided by New York law. While the rules for dividing a...
What Is a Statement of Net Worth in Divorce?
If you’re getting a divorce, an important step in the process is for you and your spouse to each provide a sworn statement of net worth. The purpose of this document is to...
What Should You Do If You Cannot Afford a Divorce Lawyer?
If you are considering divorce or you were served with divorce papers, one of the first things you should do is hire an attorney. Even if you and your spouse agree on all issues,...
What to Do If Your Spouse Is Hiding Money in Another Country During Your Divorce
During a divorce, both parties are entitled to all financial records related to the marriage regardless of where the money may be located. Financial disclosure is legally...