How to Make a Good First Impression with the Judge in Your Divorce Case
Divorces are emotional. It isn’t unusual for parties to be angry and upset even in court. Judges understand this but they will also assess each party’s demeanor and ability to...
Worried About Getting a Divorce? Talk to a Lawyer to Get the Facts
You’re unhappy in your marriage but not sure whether to get a divorce. While you can read all about divorce online, it’s not the same as getting one-on-one information about what...
Do Divorced Parents Have to Pay for Their Child’s College?
College is expensive. As such, most parents contribute to its cost to the extent they can do so for their children. Divorce can change this to some extent. Parents are required...
How Divorced Parents Should Help Their Child Choose a College
At this time of year, many teenagers are choosing a college to attend in the fall. Selecting a school can be difficult for both teens and parents alike. When parents are...
How Are Individual Assets of a Business Divided in a Divorce?
When one spouse owns a business, there are specific rules that govern how it is divided in divorce. Under New York law, a spouse who doesn’t have title to the business may still...
Protecting the Right to Patent Royalties in Divorce
Patents and other intellectual property are assets that may be considered marital property subject to equitable distribution in divorce depending on the circumstances. When such...